Archive for February, 2009

Improve your Learning Skills: Science of Effective Learning.

Posted on February 24, 2009. Filed under: Learning Skills, Valuable Insights | Tags: , |

Learning by far has been the single most important ability for the man kind which helped him differentiate itself from other life forms, it will become even more pertinent and sought after In the new Age of information overload, human beings will be putting their learning abilities to test when they negotiate with their world where in which every thing

Learn like a Child

Learn like a Child

 will change at least 10 times as faster as it did a decade before. and We will have to learn at least 10 times as much to keep pace and survive One’s learning skill will determine the level of success on achieves in all spheres of life. 

In this article we will look at learning as a phenomenon, its process, its inherent challenges, common pitfalls learners succumb to and winning practices that ensure success in learning. To the new age Learner it will makes perfect sense to take a conscious charge of his learning strategy so like most other things he can plan , strategize , measure and improve this skill as well.

 What is learning?

 As most commonly understood is the ability to remember what you have studied most typically to reproduce in an exam. So traditionally for a student a good learning is to be able to learn is to be able to remember the facts clearly….To a professor learning is much more, ‘it is to understand what it is and to be able to explain to others clearly…’which is true again, for a doctor or a engineer or any other professional ‘learning is the ability to apply what you have learnt.’ Which is as true as it gets, and for an innovator learning is all this and more ‘its is to learn what is being taught and apply it to new setting’

 So we see that learning is a process and each step of the process is important and necessary to move forward .there are some inherent difficulties that present themselves at each step, lets look at what those are and also some proven practices that facilitate the learner to use the process more effectively.

 Stage 1: Learn/ Intake the information

No question that a way to take in the information is required for learning to happen whether it’s a classroom, a book, a training program, a movie, a audio book what ever,


Identify your learning style: there are 3 basic learning styles

Visual: learners who learn the most from Images

Auditory: learners who learn the most from Sounds

And Kinesthetic: learners who learn the most from actions.

Take this Quiz to Identify your own:

 With the internet revolution more and more channels are available for you to learn from…a good learner chooses mediums that align with his natural style so that learning is effortlessly achieved. Check out this link to know more about learning styles and identify your own. 

Just having exposure does not warranty that information has been taken completely and correctly, this is the first step where people miss some very important parts and hurriedly move forward in vain.


  1. A good way to make sure that you are taking the information well is to know: studies show that it takes 16 times for information to be fed, to be taken in completely. Point being that exposes yourself to the information as much as you can.
  2.  If you are feeling lost while reading a book or a concept it wont help to carry on with improved concentration but to go back, recall the last thing you understood and start again even before that, lets say if are on page 20 of a book and feeling lost, flipping back you know you understood till page 18, start from page 17 and start the intake process again.
  3. Stop after each chunk of information and take a min to recall what was being discussed till now and what may follow.

 Stage 2: Remember

Second important process is to be able to reproduce the information as it is:

A good way that people use to learn answers and concepts is to run in their mind what they want to learn, or to write out …

Again a simple test to identify your learning style is to recall how you felt most comfortable remembering the answers in school did you read it loud to yourself (Auditory) or did you like to write them out ..(Visual). As you have taken the information in its full detail and when you start to reproduce you start to get the facts right. Good learners never move forward until they have gone back to the source and checked the accuracy of what they reproduced,  they reproduced again till all facts are correct,

Here are some common pitfalls learners succumb to:

  1. Learners start the remembering process with the source at hand and keep checking up whatever they could not recall and move forward thinking it’s now learnt well. A good practice to follow is to keep the book you read from away and then reproduce on in writing without going back to the source in between, if one is not able to remember any part of the information correctly, finish writing identify the gaps and only then refer to the source.
  2. Often students move forward leaving few facts they were not able to reproduce with accuracy, or leaving words they did not understand fully,(L.Ron Hubbord the father of Scientology says that every misunderstood thing can be traced back to a not understood word. )Well moving on with these unresolved results in vain, learning will only happen when you come clean with each process so keep trying to reproduce what you have learnt till you get it all right.
  3. If you are a visual learner, try using Mind mapping for putting information together and remembering these maps. Using mind maps will increase your remembering ability to minimum 10 times with a little practice. Check out this link to know more.
  4. A common tool for keeping your remembering always fresh is to use the power revision routine ,this routine will help you transfer your learning from your short term memory to your long term memory with least effort here is how you can use it. What you read today , revise after 24 hours , second revision after 7 days third revision after 21 days and fourth after 3 months. Though this routine involves 4 revisions, the time it takes to revise at this interval is minimum in comparison to any other; it’s a lot better than trying to learn one chapter twice.


Good learner will keep a learning log where he notes down what he has learnt so that he can revise according to this routine and take the minimum time to learn permanently, a calendar diary or a simple online calendar can be used for this.

This process consolidates the information and stores it in the mind.

 Stage 3 -Teach

Third step is to be able to teach the concept. Not that every one needs to be a teacher but What happen when you try to teach is that  you exert your brain to find similarities with other concepts, make connections with something familiar, and identify examples from the past where it has been used. This process opens the mind of the learner and helps him able to integrate this new information with the other already learnt information this gives the new information a chance to be accepted by the mind.

its like if your mind is like a big room where already learnt information are like small children playing with each other when you learn a new information a new child is brought into the room , when you teach you invite the other children to play with the new child fostering friendships and connections and leading to a healthy useful network of information in the mind.


 A good parent/teacher will create opportunity for the learner to practice teaching the concept. So if you are a mother helping the child learn ,you would encourage the child to teach back to you and in place of interrupting and correcting him ask questions like a lay man wanting to understand give him the freedom and space to struggle with the questions make connections and explain in his own way. It will make the support system really stimulating the child’s capabilities to think creatively.

Similarly if you are learning something you try to share or teach someone about what you have learnt, introduce a new dimension struggle with their questions, make connections and really learn.

 Step 4: Apply

Forth step is to apply the information first hand, this is application part of the learning, this is where you make use of the information, and every information worth learning is because it can be used somewhere. To be able to validate the information with your own experience is extremely important,

What use will a theorem have if you can not see it function to solve a problem, what use will a poem have if you can’t experience its essence in your heart, what use will any leadership or self help material have if you have not tested its powers,

This step is quite a rare achievement in a common man’s life that’s way I come across so many skeptics who know and nod and never try and also those knowledgeable advisors who never benefit from their own knowledge they possess because they haven’t made an attempt to use it, or have had the discipline to apply it.

Often newly learnt information needs either discipline or opportunity to apply.


  • A good learner is aware of this and works towards finding ways to apply this information.
  •  He always clarifies the WIIFM (What’s in it for Me) before starting any learning so that he know exactly where he will use it. And goes ahead and uses it.

This process internalize the information and makes it part of your arsenal.

 Stage 5: Improvise

Though learning for most stops there but there’s more.

Do you know about those crazy inventors who learn something and produce something that looks like nothing like what they had learnt.. hmm beyond being able to internalize there’s a skill and a genius of stripping the learning of its situation and setting and context till the principle becomes clear and the use the principle in any other setting totally different than its original setting. Do you know that the shape of benzene was a result of seeing snakes, that the first ford car came out from an assembly that was ideated from an abattoir where cows were butchered, and Hubble telescope was repaired successfully because the that’s how shower panels are used…also associated with creativity it is the final stage in the learning process where you apply not just as it is. But it in  principle

And this is where you unlock the learning.


A good Learner will always challenge himself to find applications different to those he has learnt a Parent or teacher dedicated to developing the capacity of the student will also create such opportunities … by inviting the learner to come up with applications and examples weird they may be.

Till stage 4 everything that happened was a left brain activity, this stage uses the right brain, this cooperation of both sides of the brain for thinking and learning generates genius.

 A Good learner spaces the learning’s at any point in time in various phases ie does not intake too much but will have some topics he is in taking , some reproducing some applying some teaching .. And so on.

 So if you are in the business benefiting by learning yourself or supporting some one else..Be conscious of its process and have a strategy to maximize your learning experience. Happy learning!

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Learning Styles

Posted on February 24, 2009. Filed under: Articles, Learning Skills, Valuable Insights | Tags: , |

We all learn differently,

 What is your natural Learning style

What is your natural Learning style

We can maximize our learning ability by becoming aware of our natural style and choosing learning mediums that works best for us …

Learning Styles: Self-Assessment Questionnaire

Note  the answer that most represents how you generally behave. 

(It’s best to complete the questionnaire before reading the accompanying explanation.)  

1. When I operate new equipment I generally:

  1. read the instructions first
  2. listen to an explanation from someone who has used it before
  3. go ahead and have a go, I can figure it out as I use it  

2. When I need directions for travelling I usually:

  1. look at a map
  2. ask for spoken directions
  3. follow my nose and maybe use a compass

3. When I cook a new dish, I like to:

  1. follow a written recipe
  2. call a friend for an explanation
  3. follow my instincts, testing as I cook

4. If I am teaching someone something new, I tend to:

  1. write instructions down for them
  2. give them a verbal explanation
  3. demonstrate first and then let them have a go

5. I tend to say:

  1. watch how I do it
  2. listen to me explain
  3. you have a go  


6. During my free time I most enjoy:

  1. going to museums and galleries
  2. listening to music and talking to my friends
  3. playing sport or doing DIY

 7. When I go shopping for clothes, I tend to:

  1. imagine what they would look like on
  2. discuss them with the shop staff
  3. try them on and test them out 

8. When I am choosing a holiday I usually:

  1. read lots of brochures
  2. listen to recommendations from friends
  3. imagine what it would be like to be there  

9. If I was buying a new car, I would:

  1. read reviews in newspapers and magazines
  2. discuss what I need with my friends
  3. test-drive lots of different types

10. When I am learning a new skill, I am most comfortable:

  1. watching what the teacher is doing
  2. talking through with the teacher exactly what I’m supposed to do
  3. giving it a try myself and work it out as I go


11. If I am choosing food off a menu, I tend to:

  1. imagine what the food will look like
  2. talk through the options in my head or with my partner
  3. imagine what the food will taste like  

12. When I listen to a band, I can’t help:

  1. watching the band members and other people in the audience
  2. listening to the lyrics and the beats
  3. moving in time with the music

13. When I concentrate, I most often:

  1. focus on the words or the pictures in front of me
  2. discuss the problem and the possible solutions in my head
  3. move around a lot, fiddle with pens and pencils and touch things

14. I choose household furnishings because I like:

  1. their colours and how they look
  2. the descriptions the sales-people give me
  3. their textures and what it feels like to touch them

15. My first memory is of:

  1. looking at something
  2. being spoken to
  3. doing something  


16. When I am anxious, I:

  1. visualise the worst-case scenarios
  2. talk over in my head what worries me most
  3. can’t sit still, fiddle and move around constantly \

17. I feel especially connected to other people because of:

  1. how they look
  2. what they say to me
  3. how they make me feel  

18. When I have to revise for an exam, I generally:

  1. write lots of revision notes and diagrams
  2. talk over my notes, alone or with other people
  3. imagine making the movement or creating the formula  

19. If I am explaining to someone I tend to:

  1. show them what I mean
  2. explain to them in different ways until they understand
  3. encourage them to try and talk them through my idea as they do it

20. I really love:

  1. watching films, photography, looking at art or people watching
  2. listening to music, the radio or talking to friends
  3. taking part in sporting activities, eating fine foods and wines or dancing


21. Most of my free time is spent:

  1. watching television
  2. talking to friends
  3. doing physical activity or making things

22. When I first contact a new person, I usually:

  1. arrange a face to face meeting
  2. talk to them on the telephone
  3. try to get together whilst doing something else, such as an activity or a meal

23. I first notice how people:

  1. look and dress
  2. sound and speak
  3. stand and move  

24. If I am angry, I tend to:

  1. keep replaying in my mind what it is that has upset me
  2. raise my voice and tell people how I feel
  3. stamp about, slam doors and physically demonstrate my anger

 25. I find it easiest to remember:

  1. faces
  2. names
  3. things I have done


26. I think that you can tell if someone is lying if:

  1. they avoid looking at you
  2. their voices changes
  3. they give me funny vibes  

27. When I meet an old friend:

  1. I say “it’s great to see you!”
  2. I say “it’s great to hear from you!”
  3. I give them a hug or a handshake

28. I remember things best by:

  1. writing notes or keeping printed details
  2. saying them aloud or repeating words and key points in my head
  3. doing and practising the activity or imagining it being done

29. If I have to complain about faulty goods, I am most comfortable:

  1. writing a letter
  2. complaining over the phone
  3. taking the item back to the store or posting it to head office

30. I tend to say:

  1. I see what you mean
  2. I hear what you are saying
  3. I know how you feel

Now add up how many A’s, B’s and C’s you selected. 
 A’s =    B’s =    C’s =  

If you chose mostly A’s you have a VISUAL learning style. 

If you chose mostly B’s you have an AUDITORY learning style. 

If you chose mostly C’s you have a KINAESTHETIC learning style. 

Now based on the scores you know what’s your Primary Learning style and secondary learning style, use them to your advantage and be a Better Learner!


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Spirit of a Man

Posted on February 6, 2009. Filed under: Poem |

From the astound

Bounds of the


Mad hounds from the


Jump in count,

So all hands up

And guns down.

 I got a need,

To be the breed,

Which I can heed and feed,

So that I can lead,

The stone deed.

To celebrate the first sheet,

Which had my name to read.

 My rules are straight,

My souls white.

My car is black,

And rest is no reason to confide.

 And for those who think,

Well tried,

I got to say, hold on,

‘Cos am always learning for my next fight.

 I hypnotize,


the air I synchronize,

When I verbalize.

 These thoughts of freedom, king size.

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Hello World!

Posted on February 6, 2009. Filed under: Poem |

Hello World,

Is you some one I wish to meet,

 or is you some one I have been.

will I experience something new,

or will it be a replay of the many lives.

Memories of which are far and few,

Brushed again with feeling of Déjà vu.


Or start afresh and look again with brand new eyes,

Experience devoid of reference like a small child,

Amazed At every moment in time,

Sparkle in the eye, that lights up the spirit, victim of many lives,
to get grip again get up, soar, smile and Shine!

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On meeting Sanjiv Kaura , Lead India Finalist from Delhi.

Posted on February 6, 2009. Filed under: Articles | Tags: , , , |

Sanjiv Kaura , is the Icon of the new Age corporate Professional, He has attained popularity already through the Lead India Initiative. He embodies the fleeting self Ideal of most of us.

Listening to him was a incredible experience, His simplicity of thought and strength of Character flawlessly surfaced through his words and convictions. He talked about two tenets that made a difference to his journey of life, First he called ‘Follow your heart’ , listen to all voices coming from within don’t suppress your innermost desire to help selflessly whenever it calls for you ,take small baby steps towards philanthropy , don’t analyze too much about the sanctity of the route that can be followed but just get over the Kink which is your inhibition to open your hand and give ,even if you are unsure of the consequence of your act. As they say ‘you don’t have to see the Full staircase, take the first step in faith and climb the first stair. His second point was’ Dream in the Day , with your eyes open, allow the sleep like fantasy to permeate your reality do that often enough to push your reality towards what was once fantasy. Find small ways to make a small difference, and you will be surprised to what they add up to.

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In the Deepalya Newsletter

Posted on February 6, 2009. Filed under: Articles | Tags: , , |


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The Mind Tease!

Posted on February 6, 2009. Filed under: Uncategorized |

The Mountains I haven’t crossed, but I feel I’ve been there,

Peaks that I saw and imagined myself on top,

Distance I run so fast in my mind that gets me out from the reality grind.

I am the supreme commander of the Imagination flight,

From the highest point, there’s a sudden drop at times,

With the fleeting imagery, controls move away from me,

And I sit down tired after wining a war I did’nt fight.

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Naquab Mat Utaron!

Posted on February 6, 2009. Filed under: Uncategorized |

मोक्श कि ख्वइश थी.

खोज रहा था पूर्ण  सत्य को, आख्ररी शब्दा के सक्शत्कार की ललसा थी.

अब ऊमर कि गड्ना बडी, सत्य पर से परतॅ हटी,

 श्रिन्गार ,हास्य, अद्भुभुत और वीर रस के कहनी व्रिक  के नीचे,

छुपी जडॉ को आश्च्रर्य रुद्र ,भयानक, विभत्स रसो ने थे सीचे.

पूर्ण  सत्य को पी जाने वाली  शमता का घडा अभी कच्चा है ,

तब तक खूबसूरती का एह नकाब अच्हा है.

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Happiness List – DasVidaniya- Insights into the human heart

Posted on February 4, 2009. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , |

DasVidaniya is a movie in a pack of mindless comedies that made a mark on hearts of many.

The movie is about looser dying man and his last shot at getting happy.

Before you Fly!

Before you Fly!

In the Movie Lead Actor Amar Kaul (played by Vinay Pathak) is very fond of making to -do  lists, One day he meets his alter Ego who gets him to make a list of things that he really want to do before he dies. The movie shows his journey of ticking each item on the list and getting happy! What I found interesting is that the list was not just for him; behind each item there was a theme that addressed the deepest needs of the Human Heart, and the secrets of Happiness. And if we were to uncover those themes, we may get an insight into the nature of happiness, and may be have a little list of our own to increase our happiness quotient..Interested, sure!! There’s Lots we can learn from a Man who gave his last shot to Happiness

So let’s examine his list and see what it may hold for us.. it goes like this

 1.(Buy a )Car  – Amar kaul is in a not so well paid stagnant job who dreams of buying a car.

So if you the one hit by the austerity bug who seeks rationale in every object of desire this one still is for you, I think more than just giving in to consumerism it goes deeper and like OSHO professed that True happiness may not be in possession, but the joy of detachment will only come if you have had; experienced and grown. Often wondered how some people are so excited about their latest buy, whatever it may be  remember the last time you saw kids selling something  on the traffic signal that captured your imagination and  obviously you dint buy because you dint really need it, ‘what if the quality was bad’ moreover you would look very stupid buying it. Hmm. And then do you remember seeing it again on the red light and reminded yourself of the reasoning you gave yourself last time . Hold On are you somewhere saying No the need of the human heart to have what it desires. Buy some thing that has always captured your Imagination C’on says yes to the ‘Joy of Having’ both Big and even small little things and enjoy growing out of them. Think of any item that has captured your imagination in recent past…. 

2.NEHA (Amar kaul wants to express his love to an old Flame)

In the  Movie As the Actor vents his feelings to an old flame who now is married and then walks away from her, he feels happier and released. And this gives an intriguing insight that human heart  is as happy taking solace in the fact that it tried, because it is its need to express truly, not Expressing can never be better than not getting, and your heart knows it. I have met a lot of people who have a Dream but won’t go after it, may be because they fear that it won’t come true! Which they ensure by not trying and also get suffocated keeping that emotion inside. Vent them out True Emotions and feelings are like white doves that will only bring joy when released. Surely a person who lives a life of expressing his true self is living in the realm of happiness.

So not feeling too good lately …try this therapy identify one emotion, opinion feeling that you have not released to the right person ..say it and get  it off your chest’ get lighter and happier!

 3.Forign trip: (Amar kaul in the movie has a dream to go overseas)

 Every person has this place that one wants to go to, these places are either the result of vivid pictures we have seen in the coffee table books or stories we have heard about or our own imagination from far past. It is the place for our mind spirit and heart to go and take respite from the reality. if you know of that, may be  a place or an activity good, make a plan to get there or if you don’t ,you need to listen carefully watch mindfully the flight your mind takes sometimes to relax and recharge. So what is that place you have thought about visiting?  

4. Guitar: (Amar kaul has a always dreamt of playing the Guitar)

Hmm I have always bet that in a class full of people if you were to get their hands up on one thing that they could have developed you will have more to count when they raise their hands to being able to play the guitar, Piano , Drums or any other musical instrument ,to be able to sing and dance or in any other  form of  Direct engagement ie Hobby. To  watch movies, or indulge in any other indirect engagement activity is not hobby its entertainment which titillate or excites , it is a subconscious need to find extension to your self in a different dimension of expression, and enjoy some creative freedom which may not be titillating and exciting to start with but sure can be a source of satisfaction and happiness. Do you have one ,great, not really …no problem search your soul and get one …its never too late. right time to get happy is right NOW!

 5..Boss ka Boss: (In the Movie Amar Kaul is bullied by his boss who he wants to set right because it leads him to unhappiness. So he decides to pour cold drink on his head and resign.)

So if you want happiness and you are not dying, a good idea can be to think of other ways to take care of bullys in your life. Having a Bully or a unreasonably dominant

Person around you can be more damaging to your Happiness and general state of spirit than poverty or lack of resources. Happiness is in true expression of your thoughts and opinions, standing for what you believe in. because if you are dealing with a bull and letting him have his way, its sure to come and hit you. And that will not be the hardest part. The constant anxiety and worry you go through being around a Bull will kill you into half. Before the attack, Deep inside there’s a need for our spirits to be free and bullys stop you from being that. So similar situation is taking your happiness Heres a  quick heal, Identify who is the bull around you , Resolve to be open and frank about your opinions  don’t hide them, don’t be apologetic about it , get Assertive big time OR play the savior for your Happiness and get yourself out of the ring.

 6. Mamma: (Amar kauls decides to make his mother Happy and take care of her)

The biggest gratitude every sane human being has is towards his mother,and there can never be anything close to even half as satisfying as doing something for ones parents. And so many of us don’t even have plan for it, what a waste, its like living in a garden and looking for the flowers in the market to buy for your self.. the best part is it is the only dimension where smallest of your efforts will have multifold magnanimous results and that too efforts for your own parents to make them feel happy and cared for. It’s a pleasure you cant deny yourself, don’t be the fish who discovered water last. Start now, do something absolutely spectacularly special for the one who gave you the world! And there is no chance that you will ever regret it !

 7. Rajiv Julkha  (Amar kaul’s old friend now in a foreign country he decides to get in touch with him ).

There is nothing more recharging for the spirit than the company of old Friends. Being in company of friends makes you have your guard down and not bothered if some one has hidden agenda so you are more open and excited to know and share your life and happiness. Do you remember the last time you caught up with a old friend and how it left  you feeling light and happy all day,  so here it A sure way to increase happiness make a list of all friends you have once been very close to, keep that list handy, and make a conscious effort and stay happy!

 8. Love: (Amar Kaul’s quest to find love)

Yes clichéd, but also one of the not so clearly understood emotions associated with happiness. some say ‘Love is not for every one, it is for the privileged or lucky few who get to fall in love or find their love, or get the love of their loved one’  well they have completely missed the point, Love in all its connotations has overshadowed its true nature of being an action verb. Which means: selfless care, its free and its for every one and it answers the deepest need of the heart to be a nurturer a well wisher a protector, it is self directed to start with and  has magical properties and powers and in its truest form it is not dependent on reciprocation. So do you have someone you want to love without having to worry if you will be loved back, , use i! it’s for your own happiness!

9. Vivek Kaul (he is Amar kaul’s estranged brother ,he wants to renew relationship with him ) .A balanced happy life has every thing Money, Love and Family , many researches have shown that happy and successful people have healthy relationships with their family very few if not none go out and make peace with themselves living on soreness of a relationship gone wrong with an important person. Creating a core of people around you who you know are only there for one reason that is love and the relation you have with them. Ok can you do think of a family member with whom the ties have gone weak or better can be strengthened, good the time to act on it is right now, you will not regret it as not only does it fulfill your heart’s need to love and be loved by close once, this store house of emotional security and energy fills any you up to take the world and its not so nice offerings happily remember the old adage strong inside -strong outside. So who out of your core group of family do you want to start building a stronger bond with?

 10. Face on the front page: (Amar Kaul to be on the front page)

Every one will get 5 mins of Fame ‘Andy Warhol said this some 40 years ago increasingly I have started to credit this not to his ability to see the future but to understand deep human needs. So here it is all of us have a Rock star hiding in us and it needs a stage. Some will tattoo themselves completely to come in a Believe it or not kind of show, some will learn fire juggling and show it in a private gathering, and some take solace in knowing that they are the most repeated names in the inbox of their friends email. Finding our space on the wall or planning a stage can be exhilarating and life stimulating, so if you already are not feeling the rush, you are missing it a ingredient to happiness, seeing your self famous.

In the Movie the Lead actor does get to manage this as the last wish by getting his Utahala Printed with his picture, well that was for a dying man.For all you Hail and hearty What’s your claim to fame, what’s your stage and what’s your game.

 Here are the Broad Themes for Happiness once again.

  • 1. Enjoy Joy of having …
  • 2. If you have it in your Heart, Say it out.
  • 3. Go to that special place
  • 4. Get a Hobby -get an extension to your expression
  • 5. Get the bull out of your life , or get yourself out of the ring
  • 6. Happy Person has Happy Parents
  • 7. Rejuvenate with loved ones and Friends
  • 8. True love has Magical Powers, use it without worry.
  • 9. Get the Family together its your strength
  • 10. Get famous

 The best time to make a list for Happiness was a few years ago second best time is NOW. Make it, use it  and be Happy

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